Our most recent issue, no. 21/22 (“South Africa: Literature and Social Movements”–featuring work by Priya Narismulu, Zine Magubane, Pumla Dineo Gqola, Botsotso Jesters, Kelwyn Sole, Dennis Brutus, and others), is currently available for $15.

Four issue, 2-year subscriptions are available: $30 for individuals, $40 for institutions (for subscribers outside the US, please add $5).

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Bulk discounts are also available to educators interested in using XCP in the classroom.

Complete back runs of XCP are available for library purchase. Please email editor Mark Nowak (mnowak2@washcoll.edu) to inquire about the current price of our entire back issue catalog.

Make all checks payable to “Manhattanville College” and send to Mark Nowak, ed., XCP: Cross Cultural Poetics, c/o Graduate Program in Creative Writing, Manhattanville College, 2900 Purchase St., Purchase, NY, 10577.